Advanced Quantitative Economics with Python#
This website presents a set of advanced lectures on quantitative economic modeling.
Tools and Techniques
LQ Control
- 5. Information and Consumption Smoothing
- 6. Consumption Smoothing with Complete and Incomplete Markets
- 7. Tax Smoothing with Complete and Incomplete Markets
- 8. Markov Jump Linear Quadratic Dynamic Programming
- 9. How to Pay for a War: Part 1
- 10. How to Pay for a War: Part 2
- 11. How to Pay for a War: Part 3
- 12. Optimal Taxation in an LQ Economy
Multiple Agent Models
Dynamic Linear Economies
Risk, Model Uncertainty, and Robustness
Time Series Models
Asset Pricing and Finance
Dynamic Programming Squared
- 40. Optimal Unemployment Insurance
- 41. Stackelberg Plans
- 42. Machine Learning a Ramsey Plan
- 43. Time Inconsistency of Ramsey Plans
- 44. Sustainable Plans for a Calvo Model
- 45. Optimal Taxation with State-Contingent Debt
- 46. Optimal Taxation without State-Contingent Debt
- 47. Fluctuating Interest Rates Deliver Fiscal Insurance
- 48. Fiscal Risk and Government Debt
- 49. Competitive Equilibria of a Model of Chang
- 50. Credible Government Policies in a Model of Chang